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Ray Lau 劉青楊

Architect, MAA, RIBA II, MArch

建築師 . 丹麥註冊


// WORK 職業

2024// VS-A. Group // Hong Kong // Nov 24 - Present // Project Manager, Architect in Facade Engineering

2024//                            // 香港 // 24年 11月 - 現時 // 項目總負責人, 建築師 - 幕牆工程

2019// Snøhetta // Hong Kong // Dec 18 - July 22 // Design Architect 

2019// Snøhetta // Hong Kong // Mar 21 - July 22 // Project Lead

2019// 斯諾赫塔 // 香港 // 18年 12月 - 22年 7月 // 設計建築師

2019// 斯諾赫塔 // 香港 // 21年 3月 - 22年 7月 // 項目總負責人​​

2018// Makerbay // Hong Kong // Oct 18 - Dec 18 // Robotics Designer

2018//                   // 香港 // 18年 10月 - 18 年 12月 // 機器設計師​

2017// Collective Studio // Hong Kong // Jul 17 - Jul 18 // Architectural Designer

2017//                               // 香港 // 17年 7月 - 18年 7月 // 建築設計師​

2016// Pelli Clarke & Partners // New York // Jun 16 - Dec 16 // Intern

2016// 佩里克拉克建築 // 美國 . 紐約 // 16年 6月 - 16年 12月 // 建築實習
2014// Neilmarié Architects // Cape Town // May 14 - Jan 15 // Intern

2014// 尼爾馬里建築 // 南非 . 開普敦 // 14年 5月 - 15年 1月 // 建築實習


2022// Arkitektskolen Aarhus // Aarhus // 2022-2024 // Masters in Architecture

2022// 奧胡斯建築學院 // 丹麥 . 奧胡斯 // 2022-2024 // 建築學.碩士

2017// Northeastern University // Boston // 2012-2017 // BSc in Architecture

2017// 東北大學 // 美國 . 波士頓 // 2012-2017 // 建築學.學士
2015// Humboldt University of Berlin // Berlin // 2015 // Study Abroad

2015// 柏林洪堡大學 // 德國 . 柏林 // 2015 // 建築學.交換生

// DIGITAL 技能(數碼)

Architecture// AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Grasshopper (Weaverbird + Kangaroo + Human), Sketchup, Revit (basics) 

Render Engine// V-Ray, Maxwell, Enscape, D5 Rendering, Lumion

Analysis Tools// AutoDesk Flow Design, GH (Elk + Ladybug), Climate Studio

Post Production// Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Lightroom

Animation Production// Enscape (+VR production), Unreal Engine, D5 Rendering, Premiere

Robotics + Coding// Arduino

Other Programs// T-Spline, Maya (in progress), Odeon Acoustic (in progress), 3DS Max (basic)

Random// Traktor Pro 3, Open ModPlug Tracker

// ANALOG 技能(實體)

Fabrication// Makerbot (knowledge in assembly and maintenance), Robox Automaker, Lazer Printer (knowledge and experience in assembly, lens calibration, maintenance, and set up from zero), Woodshop, CNC, Ceramics

Language// English, Cantonese, Mandarin, German (elementary)   

// PORTFOLIO 建築作品集

For my architecture portfolio please kindly email: or


2024// Master's thesis project l The Architecture Machine - High Performance Oystercrete

2017// Bachelor's thesis project l Rosy Boa - The Cable x Monocoque Structure

2016// Student Design Competition l Rethinking Ryder received 1st place l School of architecture student design competition l Under construction
2016// RISE Expo l Nominated by faculty to present Maverick Mills Urbanism project in the RISE Expo 2016 at Northeastern University
Excellence in Design Award l Project Baugruppen Projekt Berlin received an annual award for excellence in design 


Projects involved at Snøhetta 

<part of the team of // last updated January 2022, order based on role, and hours involved>

Project Lead + Management //

2021-2022// Hangzhou Concert Hall 杭州音樂廳 // Stage: <Competition Winner + Schematic Design + Design Development> + Project Management and Design + Final Visualizations + All Competition Deliverables + All Schematic Design Deliverables + Full Coordination Responsibilities


2021// Chungnam Art Museum in South Korea 충남미술관 // Stage: <Competition 2nd Place> + Concept Design + Competition Deliverables + Multimedia Animation Lead + Full Coordination Responsibilities 


2022// Shanghai Westbund Int'l Convention Centre 上海西岸國際會議中心 // Stage: <Competition> + Concept Design + Competition Deliverables + Multimedia Animation Lead + Visualisations+ Full Coordination Responsibilities 

Design Lead // 

2020-2021// Confidential Concert Hall Project in Greece // <Concept Design + Design Development RIBA Stage 3 Submission> + Concert Hall Design Lead + Detail Design + Completion of DD RIBA Stage 3 drawings + Coordination Responsibilities // Project Leader: Pedro Sjøblom Tavares



2022// Confidential Ski Resort in Hokkaido スキーリゾート北海道 // <Concept Designt> + Design Lead + Presentation Project Leader: Zeth Ko

Theatre Design //    

2019-2021// Queensland Performing Arts Center 昆士蘭表演藝術中 // Stage: <Concept Design + Schematic Design + Design Development> + 

Parametric 3D Modeling + Visualizations + Detail Design + Manufacture and Supplier Coordination + Value Management + BIM Coordination​ + Presentation Materials // Project Leader: Heather Griffin

Facade Lead //                

2020-2021// Red Bull Cloud 11 Bangkok Cybertech District คลาวด์ 11 // <Concept Design + Schematic Design + Design Development> + Facade Lead + Facade Coordination + Visualization + Detail Design + Value Management + Presentation Materials + Presentation // Project Leader: Daniel Berlin    

Part of the team of // 

2019-2020// Confidential Electric Giga Yacht (150m+) // Stage: <Concept Design + Schematic Design> + Presentation Materials + VR Production + Animation // Project Leader: Pedro Sjøblom Tavares 

2019// Shanghai Grand Opera House 上海大歌劇院 // Stage: <Schematic Design> + Visualization // Project Leader: Zenul Khan

2019// Confidential Commerical Project in Vietnam // Stage: <Concept Design + Schematic Design> + Visualization // Project Leader: Pedro Sjøblom Tavares

2019// Airside Kai Tak 啟德發展區 in Hong Kong // Schematic Design // Project Leader: Ricardo Morais Sousa and Zeth Ko

2019// Beijing Sub-Centre Library 北京城市副中心圖書館 in China // Visualization // Project Leader: Christian Hämmerle

2019// NIO House 蔚來空間 // Design Development + Construction Documentation + Visualization // Project Leader: Cheng Gong

2019// Grand Mayfair's Landscape in Hong Kong // Concept Design + Landscape Design // Project Leader: Pedro Sjøblom Tavares

2019// Qianhai Landmark Design Proposal 前海地標設計方案 // Mid-Term Visualization 

2019// Xingtai Grand Theatre 邢台大劇院 // Minor 3D Modeling + Mid-Term Visualization 

2021// Jaeger-LeCoultre Flagship Store in Shanghai K11 // Facade Design + Visualization 

2019// Confidential Cultural Project in Saudi Arabia // Competition Minor Animation 

2020// Confidential Mix-Used Project in Singapore // Competition Physical Model

<prior to Snøhetta>

New York, United States // 

2018// Collective Studio // New York State Reimagine the Canals Competition 紐約州構想運河競賽 // Researcher + Visualization 

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // Urban Green Pro-Bono Renovation // Design Development + Construction Documentation 

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // Confidential Commerical Competition in Brooklyn// Competition + Concept Design 

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // 825 3rd Avenue // Concept Design + Schematic Design

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // World Finance Center Renovation 環球金融中心改造 // Design Development + Construction Documentation 

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // 3rd Park Avenue 紐約第三大道住宅樓 // Signage Design + Construction Documentation

Cape Town, South Africa // 

2014// Neilmarié Architects // Upper Hillwood Road 上山林路住宅 // Design Development + Construction Documentation + Site Supervision

2014// Neilmarié Architects // MS Kwezi Children Center in Khayelitsha // Concept Design + Schematic Design + Visualization

2014// Neilmarié Architects // Sedgemoor Road // Construction Documentation + Site Supervision

2014// Neilmarié Architects // Francolin Road Renovation // Construction Documentation 

Hong Kong, China // 

2018// Collective Studio // Kinglam Street Twin Tower 瓊林街新世界大樓 // Concept Design + Schematic Design

2017// Collective Studio // Confidential Commerical Tower Podium Design // Concept Design + Facade Design

2017// Collective Studio // Fashion Walk Haptic Organ Installation // Concept Design + Construction Documentation

2017// Collective Studio // Salisbury Garden Public Art Installation  // Helmet Design 

Washington DC, United States //

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // 2100 Penn Avenue 賓夕法尼亞大道辦公大樓 // Schematic Design + Model Maker

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // Metropolitan Park Zone 7 Competition // Researcher + Presentation Production

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia // 

2018// Collective Studio // Cyber Valley Convention Center Competition 科學園會議中心競賽 // in collaboration with Miim Office of Architecture and Arup // Researcher + Concept Design + Master Planning 

Manila, Philippines // 

2016// Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects // Philippines Pre-Fabricated Modular House 預製模塊化房屋 // Design Development + Visualization 

Dubai, United Arab Emirates //

2017// Collective Studio // Emaar Dubai Independence Store // Concept Proposal



instagram// xraylau


22.3193° N, 114.1694° E


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2012 - Present//

In General // Photography

To check out my photography work click here

生活 // 攝影




Upper Hillwood Road // Neilmarié Architects

Completed Residential Project in Cape Town, see detail click here

Team: (Director) Neil Franks + (Director) Marié Middleton + (Project Architect) Jacobus Erasmus + (Architect) Emmanuel Akufuna + (Intern) Ray Lau

上山林路住宅 // 尼爾馬里建築

開普敦住宅項目 - 施工完滿



Baugruppen Projekt Berlin // Excellence in Design Award 

Community Housing Project in Berlin Pankow, see detail click here

Professor: Christiana da Silva

Team: Ray Lau + Thomas Koyama 

組件住房項目 // 卓越設計獎

柏林潘科區的社區住房項目 - 獲獎



Rosy Boa // Thesis Comprehensive Studio 

Suspension Structures + Cable Tension Systems + Train Hub + Urban Planning + Biofiltration Wetland, see detail click here

Professor: David Fannon

Team: Moshe Porter + Ray Lau

懸浮蟒蛇 // 學術綜合工作室

懸索結構 + 纜力系統 + 火車樞紐 + 城市規劃 + 過濾濕地



Rethinking Ryder // Student Design Competition Winner

The winning proposal will be constructed by the university to replace the entry canopy in front of Ryder Hall, see detail click here

Team: Malek Sadder + Moshe Porter + Ray Lau

東北大學天篷競賽 // 競賽獲勝者



© copyright Snøhetta 

2019 - Present//

Snøhetta Hong Kong

Image: Shanghai Grand Opera House (part of the team of Schematic Design stage) 

斯諾赫塔 香港

圖片項目: 上海大歌劇院 (方案設計團隊)

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© copyright Snøhetta 

2019 - 2021//

Queensland Performance Art Center // Snøhetta 

Project Involvement: (Theatre Design) Concept Design - Schematic Design - Design Development 

Team: (AUS Managing Director) Kåre Krokene + (AUS Project Leader) Heather Griffin + (AUS Interior Lead) Lisa Lee + (AUS Architect) Codey Cartwright + (HK Managing Partner) Robert Greenwood + (HK Senior Architect) Ling Han + (HK Design Architect) Ray Lau + (AUS office) more

See detail click here

昆士蘭表演藝術中心 // 斯諾赫塔

項目參與: (劇院設計)概念設計-方案設計-詳細設計-施工審查 // 施工建設中


© copyright Snøhetta 

2021 - Present//

Hangzhou Concert Hall // Snøhetta 

Competition Winner (Competition Duration: 16 days)

Project Involvement: Competition - Schematic Design - Design Development (Current)

Competition Phase: (Managing Partner) Robert Greenwood + (Project Leader + Design Lead) Ray Lau + (Architect) Cheng Gong + (Intern) Raphael Galvez 

Schematic Design Phase: (Managing Partner) Robert Greenwood + (Project Leader) Ray Lau + (Architect) Cheng Gong

Design Development Phase: (Managing Partner) Robert Greenwood + (Project Leader) Ray Lau + (Architect) Cheng Gong + (Senior Architect) Simon Bastien

杭州音樂廳 // 斯諾赫塔

競賽優勝者(競賽時長:16天) 項目參與: 競賽 - 方案設計(現時)


© copyright Snøhetta 


Chungnam Art Museum // Snøhetta 

Competition 2nd Place (Competitors: Bjarke Ingels Group, Grafton Architects, Steven Holl Architects, UN Studio, ALA Architects) 

Project Involvement: Competition

Competition Phase: (Managing Partner) Robert Greenwood + (Project Leader) Ray Lau + (Senior Architect) Simon Bastien + (Senior Landscape Designer) Chun Wing Fok + (Landscape Designer) Monique Wong 

충남미술관 // 스뇌헤타

대회 2위

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Aarhus School of Architecture // Masters's Degree in Architecture - Building Culture and Tectonics 

Semester 1: Grünerløkka Transformation (tutor: Dan Erik Herman Ljungar), see detail click here

Arkitektskolen Aarhus // Kandidatuddannelse i Arkitektur - Byggekultur og tektonik

Semester 1: Grünerløkka Transformation (vejleder: Dan Erik Herman Ljungar)




Aarhus School of Architecture // Masters's Degree in Architecture - Building Culture and Tectonics 

Semester 2: Sydhavnskvarteret Co-Housing (tutor: Nuria Casais), see detail click here

Arkitektskolen Aarhus // Kandidatuddannelse i Arkitektur - Byggekultur og tektonik

Semester 2: Sydhavnskvarteret Fællesbolig (vejleder: Nuria Casais)

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Aarhus School of Architecture // Masters's Degree in Architecture - Art of Building and Materials

Semester 3: Badstuegade Bathhouse (studio ran by: Jonathan Foote + Anders Gammelgaard // tutor: Jonathan Foote), see detail click here

Arkitektskolen Aarhus // Kandidatuddannelse i Arkitektur - Bygningskunst og materialer

Semester 3: Badstuegade Bathhouse (studie drevet af: Jonathan Foote + Anders Gammelgaard // vejleder: Jonathan Foote)

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Aarhus School of Architecture // Thesis Project 

Semester 4: The Architecture Machine (tutor: Jonathan Foote), see detail click here

Arkitektskolen Aarhus // Afgang projekt

Semester 4: Arkitekturmaskinen (vejleder: Jonathan Foote)

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